Jackie & Vic

vic and jackie to cancun

We're On a Journey of a Lifetime!

¡Hola! ¡Bienvenido! We’re Jackie and Vic! After a couple of trips to Panama, we’ve decided to make it our home! So, we both retired, sold our home and all of our possessions including our automobiles, packed 5 suitcases, 2 backpacks, and our dog and cat, and moved to Panama! Join us as we travel to different parts of Panama in an attempt to learn the language and the culture of this wonderful country. Learn how to get a permanent visa, driver’s license, and a national ID card, which come with lots of “jubilado” (retired) benefits and discounts.

We Are Family

jackie leathers



Jackie recently retired and is a fantastic person. She’s energetic as hell and can do anything when she puts her mind to it.

vic leathers



Vic is laid back and tries hard to follow the rules. He’d rather sit in at a coffee shop, sip on his coffee, and write.

henry the dog


The Dog

Henry is mama’s dog and gets away with everything. He’s a Brussels Griffon and is about 11 years old.

milo the cat


The Cat

Milo is Vic’s cat. She is spoiled to the hilt and gets anything she wants. She loves sitting on the bed, showing her stuff.

Next Stop - Volcan, Panama