jackie and the flies

Jackie vs The Flies

During the past week we had a couple of days with few ocean breezes – flies invaded and multiplied. We had been keeping all our windows open, even the ones without screens. I know… what was I thinking? We also kept our side door open – also no screen. At first I thought, of course our trash can with garbage doesn’t have a lid. We got one with a lid, but that didn’t help. So then we moved the trash can outside. That didn’t help either.

After researching “How to get rid of flies”, I cleaned and mopped everything. A minor improvement for a moment and back they came. I was so disgusted with the flies that I couldn’t focus on anything else. I couldn’t even get them with the fly swatter (I always miss).

I think I may have been a little overtired from the heat, so I took myself upstairs into the air-conditioned bedroom with my dog Henry and our cat Milo to take a long nap. After a while, I came down refreshed and remembered I had brought some peppermint oil with me on our move and a small spray bottle. I mixed the peppermint oil with water and sprayed everything … floors, window frames, door frames, counter, sink, stove, cabinet, literally everything – multiple times!

IT WORKED! Over the next hour, all the flies were gone! Now the windows and door without screens stay closed, the garbage is outside. We wash everything with food residue immediately and seal it in a ziplock bag before throwing it in the trash can.

We will make a trip to the hardware store to make screens to fit the other windows and are looking for a solution for the doors too. Interestingly, none of our neighbors have large trash cans. Everyone just places their bags of trash out at the edge of the street once a week.

Adapting and adjusting has its challenges, but once we figure it out, we get to focus on the things that bring us peace. Now back to those beach walks and ocean waves!


  • Gwen Cerda

    That’s good to know using Peppermint! What are the measurements of oil and water? Sorry u had that annoying experience but glad u found a solution! Yayy! How are the mosquitos and other insects? Good to hear u are adjusting to your new lifestyle

    • Jackie Matthews Leathers

      Hey Gwen! I used a tablespoon of peppermint oil to a 1/2 cup of water. We haven’t really seen mosquitos, but we do have chitras (also known as noseeums), small bugs you can barley see- you usually feel thier bite before you see them. We use bug spray and stay inside from 7am-9am and 5pm-7pm. If we have a good ocean breeze blowing we don’t have to worry about the bugs at all.

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