From Oven to Doorstep: Discovering Chitré’s Premier Delivery Service
One of the things in life that Jackie and I enjoyed in the States was having pizza delivered to our front door. It’s a small thing, and we’ve probably taken…
One Month in Panama and We’re on the Move!
We arrived in Panama on July 13th. After being in Panama for a whole month we have soaked in the beautiful ocean views and shared some of our adventures settling…
Temporary Pensionado Visas, Baby!
So yesterday we were up early to wash our laundry, hung it out to dry and weren’t planning on doing much else. Our days seem to start out this way,…
One Entire Week in Panama!
We have been here for an entire week! Adjusting to the heat is an ongoing process in our simple Panamanian style house. The only air conditioner is in the bedroom.…
Our First Shopping Trip Experience In Chitre, Panama
Yesterday’s outing was quite the adventure. Bonnie, our neighbor who kindly offered to help us retrieve our missing bag, pulled up in front of our house, all excited hollering at me…